Contact us to find out which classes are currently running.
Group Therapy

Ready, Set, Articulate!
Does your child have difficulty producing certain sounds?
They’ll have a blast in this fun-filled articulation group!
Learn new games and make crafts while improving speech-sound production.
Groups based on age & target sounds 3 children/group max.
Tuesdays/Wednesdays 4-4:45
Ages: 4-6, 7-10
Begins: TBD
Rate: Insurance accepted, or private pay: $50/session Duration: 8 weeks
Write Right!
A co-taught (OT/SLP) program designed for beginning writers or children experiencing breakdowns in underlying writing and literacy skills. A combination of intervention approaches including Brain Gym, Lively Letters and explicit handwriting curriculum will be used. Sensory motor, fine motor, visual, and postural concerns will be addressed as needed.
Ages: 4-7
Begins: TBD
Rate: Insurance accepted, or private pay: $480 paid in full
Duration: 8 weeks
Picky Eaters Lunch Bunch
Does your child have a limited number of foods they’ll eat?
Do they avoid certain textures or refuse to try new foods?
Let us help with small-group feeding therapy, or talk to us about scheduling
an individual session! (max 3 children/class)
Ages: 4-6, 7-10 We recommend individual sessions for children under 3
Begins: TBD
Rate: Insurance accepted, or private pay: $50/session
*families will be asked to provide food
ABCs of Fitting In
(Adapt, Balance, Cope)
During this 8-week class, your child will learn aspects of social participation (i.e. conversational skills, transitions, flexibility, winning/losing, and compromising). Strategies for emotional regulation and self-soothing and coping will also be taught. Principles of SCERTS model, Social Thinking Curriculum, and the Amazing 5 Point Scale will be utilized.
Appropriate ages: 5-10 yrs (groups formed based on age) Duration: 45 min
#of Sessions: 6
Cost: $40/group
Dates: Call Missy to schedule (860) 798-8638